Truths Sprinkled With Toxicity: Andrew Tate’s Messages


Or is it the other way around? Toxicity sprinkled with truths… I will let you decide. 

Embracing True Self-Improvement: A Better Path For Young Men

I have had so many young men in my consultation room feeling intrigued yet confused by Andrew Tate’s messages. On the one hand, Tate seems to offer some good advice and challenges for young men, but on the other, there is the underlying message of violence, dominance and pure hatred. In every interview that I have watched of Andrew Tate, I have not noticed any humility or kindness. But I have noticed him talking over the interviewers, combativeness, and dark sarcasm meant to dominate the conversation. 

In today’s fast-paced world, young men are constantly bombarded with conflicting messages about what it means to be a man. Amidst this chaos, figures like Andrew Tate have gained attention, but it’s essential to recognize the toxicity of his teachings.

While some of his videos may appear amusing or empowering at first glance, it’s crucial to listen to the message behind his message. Instead I suggest seeking guidance aligned with higher values that promote financial stability, kindness, and integrity.


Andrew Tate might declare some truths but don’t be fooled…non-verbal (and verbal) toxicity exudes through each video as you tune into the underlying messages he conveys. Truths sprinkled with Toxicity and Toxicity sprinkled with truths. 

The Illusion of Toxically “Straight-Talking”

Andrew Tate’s trademark straight-talking style often entices young men looking for a new perspective on life. Men do need challenges to feel like they are doing well in the world. This is how men are built. However, Tate’s derogatory remarks about men drinking tap water or owning cats are merely superficial judgments that contribute to a hostile and divisive mindset. Just listen to how he communicates his messages. Go beneath his words and feel his tone. It is toxic and violent. True self-improvement promotes inclusivity and understanding that everyone’s choices and preferences are valid. Men are starving for direction these days, and Andrew Tate recognizes this. 

Moving Beyond Misogynistic Expectations

Tate’s expectations of absolute loyalty from his partners reveal a deeply flawed understanding of healthy relationships. Loyalty is healthy, but the way he speaks about this is violent. His tone and demeanour are violent, which is toxic and implies dominance. Look for the message beneath the message. (this goes for all communication, by the way). Respect, trust, and open communication form the foundations of any successful partnership. Young men should aspire to build stable and fulfilling relationships based on mutual support and a shared sense of personal growth. Men can build these types of relationships with non-violent attitudes and non-violent language. 

Seeking Role Models Who Embody Values

Instead of following toxic influencers, young men need to look up to figures who embody values like financial stability, kindness, humour and integrity. These qualities are essential for personal growth and contribute positively to society.

Where to Turn for Solid Wholesome Advice

Fortunately, numerous mentors and resources are available to guide young men on their journey towards self-improvement. One such example is the recommended platform, a community that supports and empowers individuals to cultivate their potential. Accelerate Okanagan is an excellent resource for young men: or look through this website outlining many groups for men to connect with for positive mentorship and support:

Promoting Financial Stability

Financial stability plays a crucial role in the life of any young man looking to build a successful future. Embracing mentors who emphasize responsible money management, investing wisely, and creating multiple income streams can pave the way for long-term financial security. Money is important in the lives and success of young men we cannot deny this truth. 

Kindness and Compassion and a Sense of Humour

Kindness and compassion and a sense of humour should be fundamental aspects of a young man’s character. Seeking guidance from role models prioritizing empathy, emotional intelligence, and understanding can help cultivate strong interpersonal skills. These qualities enable individuals to forge meaningful connections and contribute positively to their communities. My eldest boy once sent me a meme equating intelligence to the ability to have a quick, relevant, funny comeback in difficult situations. This is more toward emotional intelligence than what Andrew Tate promotes by a country mile. It may not be exact but a least it’s non-toxic. 

Integrity in Action

Integrity goes hand in hand with personal growth. Finding mentors who embody integrity not only role model ethical behaviour but encourage others to do the same. By supporting organizations that champion honest practices, young men can foster a culture of trust and integrity in their personal and professional lives.


While Andrew Tate may capture attention with his controversial persona, young men must recognize his teachings’ toxic nature. Real self-improvement is not about divisiveness, misogyny or purely material pursuits but rather a path grounded in financial stability, kindness, and integrity. By seeking mentors and resources embodying these values, young men can embark on a journey toward holistic growth, fulfilling relationships, and a brighter future.

An excellent book for young men is David Deida’s, “The Way of the Superior Man”.


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