Parenting and ADHD


Did you know that ADHD is thought to be an inherited condition, not a product of bad parenting or lack of discipline? If you are a parent whose child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you can provide guidance that will have a major influence on the management of symptoms. By managing the symptoms, a parent can influence the severity of the disorder as well as impact the development of the disorder for years to come.  Specifically, directly influencing self esteem by preventing social and school related shame. 


According to an article on, there are a couple helpful tips to first get started and ensure your child has the best care. The first one is to stop the blame. Again ADHD is hereditary, therefore not the parent’s fault. However, it might be beneficial for the parent to get tested for ADHD due to the genetic nature. As the parent, it can be helpful to learn all you can about ADHD to become better educated and to share the information to those around you. Ensure that you are checking reputable sources to guarantee you are getting the most valid research. As well, consider getting a comprehensive assessment, including medical, educational and psychological evaluations combined with input from the teacher for the child to rule out any other commonly misdiagnosed disorders. 


Other ways to assist your child who has been diagnosed with ADHD include becoming an efficient and effective  case manager for their care. This way, you are the go to person for all questions and by being organized and keeping copies of all tests, feedback and reports, you can ensure everyone is on the right page. Also, being your child’s best advocate is extremely helpful to them while in school. Knowing all their rights can be a bit tricky but there are lots of resources on this. Communication is key when interacting with team members and your child to find the best solution for them and to ensure they are well supported. 


For the parent, on a personal level, attending therapy, joining a support group and working together with the team can make your home life easier. By receiving support yourself, the parent training can help you learn how to best support your child. It can also assist you in creating and providing clear, consistent expectations, directions and limits when proofing instruction or disciplining the child.  By setting up an effective discipline system the child can learn from their mistakes and grow. 


Sometimes parents get lost in the diagnosis and management of the child with ADHD. It’s important to remember to set aside time each and every day that is special for you and the child to connect. Additionally, recognizing and verbalizing the child’s successes, however big or small, can boost their confidence. By affirming and reaffirming that you love and support your child unconditionally can bring to attention that not every day will be great but as a team you and your child will get through it. 


For more information, check out our previously posted article on the many benefits of those diagnosed with ADHD.


If you’re a parent whose child has ADHD, please feel free to reach out to Safe and Sound Therapeutics for support. 

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